About FoWH
Friends of Windham Hockey (FoWH) is a not-for-profit association of residents whose goal is to grow the great game of hockey in the Town of Windham, NH. FoWH raises funds to help the High School, JV, and Middle School hockey programs, as well as other related events and organizations. Windham H.S. first opened in 2009 and it was’n’t until the 2014-2015 season where the Jaguar Hockey team stood alone. The Coaching Staff and FoWH believe that in order to continue to build a strong hockey program at the High School level, a JV team is an important part of the equation. FoWH seeks to be an organization that celebrates the achievements of ALL the Town’s players, regardless of their age or where they play the game.
The Windham School Administration and High School Athletic Department are not interested in establishing athletic “User Fees”, typically seen in other communities. On one hand, this is terrific! However, town funding for both a Varsity and JV program is unlikely. The School has a wonderful Boosters program which has generously offset some costs, but they also need to invest their funds across all sports. FoWH knows that our members and local businesses will come together to help defray some of the costs for families and make other investments that help build a stronger program… and have some fun while doing it!
Junior Hockey and Prep/Private Schools will always be attractive options for elite players and/or exceptional scholars. But, the FoWH board knows that for many, competing for their town’s High School teams can be some of the most fun and rewarding days of their lives. By coming together as a community, leveraging our skills, resources, network, and passion for hockey… we will be successful in building more than just a great High School Hockey program!
Our mission is to grow the great game of hockey for all ages, genders, and income levels in the town of Windham, NH. Connect Windham hockey players and fans, of all ages and genders, through an active community organization seeking to raise awareness and the funds necessary to maintain the current programs, and work collaboratively to expand access and participation.
To see more young athletes learning how to skate and pick up the game of ice hockey. Raise funds as a community which will be used to offset the substantial expenses associated with maintaining a Varsity, Junior Varsity High School and Middle School Programs